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Location: toronto, ontario, Canada

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

to title or not to title...

i just got dumped for something someone read in my blog that wasn't even about them. that is some funny shit.

especially because we both did that about each other's blogs before.

humans never learn.

i am having a green bean and parmesan cheese omelette with pita for dinner.
originally i typed greed.

yes, it is in fact 23:46, why do you ask?

it is surprisingly tasty.

i have been a 'bad blogger' lately post frequency wise.

i have been feeling a bit uninspired.

ironically when i do post i like it a lot.

wish i could have said it this well.

i am taking a workshop on the psoas on saturday.

yeah the KNEE gets a workshop and the psoas, a mere muscle, gets it's own afternoon. this is going to be heavy.

holy shit i make mean eggs.

green beans would be better in a frittata, they don't stick right in an omelette. still yummy though.

it's funny how many people took responsibility and apologised for the advice they consider bad. as though it was from them... silly rabbits :) *huggs* i just think it's neat that the same themes repeat over and over again. i'm much more interested in the why than the who.

harriet doesn't like drinking out of her dish.

have to get the da buttah cat food caddy thingamagig.

i miss elle...

rr kicked my ass today. but i learned a lot and fixed some things.

she said 'that's looking better' a couple of times.


mouse's allergies are acting up. i really hope moving helps with that.

i'm having fun with this post but i'm running out of ideas.


is anyone getting commenting errors on my blog?

i think i might be able to pay first and last in time.

the apartment might not be being moved out of. in exchange there may be an 18th floor one instead of a 4th floor one. identical layout. find out tomorrow.

for ten dollars more a month. aw fucking shucks :)

reformers are good for people with brain injuries. the two sides being forced to work together helps the brain learn to track. i have to tell hot doctor that rr said that. wonder if she can cite anything... hmmmm... note to self when you read this tomorrow. call her and ask.

i have ONE client... no sorry two tomorrow. done by 8:30am.

full work week next week again. this slow thing has been a bit nice. have a lunch date tomorrow with clarity i'm stoked about. :)

is it wrong i'm sort of looking forward to a full week because i'll actually be MORE organized? i know, it's sick.

HILLSIDE APPLICATIONS ARE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

are there enough exclamation points in the world?

*dance of joy*
*dance of joy*
*dance of joy*
*dance of joy*
*dance of joy*
*dance of joy*
*dance of joy*

i'm not excited at all.

seriously i'm almost singing with joy in my head. and i'll just get more excited until then and you know what? it will STILL be better than i'm expecting.

othercat and i have an ongoing 'i'm getting thinner' pic thingy going at hillside. so far the first two are hilarious. can't wait to see this years...

i think i need a smaller bathing suit...

oh man i have to teach at 6:30am.




Blogger Matt Vella said...

Me first, me first!!!


Sleep tight, sweety.

3/15/2006 01:21:00 AM  
Blogger Matt Vella said...

Me first, me first!!!


Sleep tight, sweety.

3/15/2006 01:21:00 AM  
Blogger DZER said...

sometimes the energy of your posts wear me out physically ... I can't imagine being that energetic myself. LOL

Thanks for the workout! ;)

3/15/2006 03:07:00 AM  
Blogger sassinak said...

matt: first and second *grin*


did in fact :)

dzer: that's funny, i was sooo tired when i posted that :)

you're welcome!

3/15/2006 06:17:00 AM  
Blogger kathi said...

Should I be afraid that I could mentally keep up with this post? You write like I think, when I think...that is. :)
Hey, thanks for the mention, wow.

3/15/2006 07:10:00 AM  
Blogger JMai said...

I'm not sure I know the difference between an omelette and a fritatta...

3/15/2006 08:21:00 AM  
Blogger Read This said...

Ok, it's time for an intervention. Some decafs are just as tasty as the caffienated (sp?) brands. Stream of thought stuff...I love it. Maybe I will just do that if I ever blog again.

3/15/2006 09:09:00 AM  
Blogger Natalia said...

Um...it's so funny that your post is exactly how my head and my thoughts feel right now. A bit discombablated. Still so much to get done and time never seems quite enough, does it?

Sucks about being dumped and people misunderstanding what you say or who you say it about in the blog. Sometimes I wonder who is reading mine, other than the brave that comment, and whether they are ever taking things I say as something else. But if they don't ask I guess they cannot blame me for their own take on things... but I know they will anyway.

Yaay for hillside! I went to the links...looks soooo cool.

And how scary is it that Jmai doesn't know the difference between a fritatta and an omelette and no it's not that one is italian and the other french lol... I actually know the culinary difference. And that's scary. Cause me and cooking not so much but Jmai can cook...like really cook...so that's interesting.

I miss Elle too.


3/15/2006 10:00:00 AM  
Blogger sassinak said...

kathi: hmmm i hope you aren't afraid cause if you'ra afraid then i should be worried and that seems like work and... *grin*

you're welcome. and it's true.

omelette: make eggs, flip, stick stuff inside, fold over, flip, serve.

frittata: fry stuff, cover in eggs, cook for a bit, stick under broiler for a sec, serve :)

cas: i had ONE coffee yesterday morning. only coffee i'd had since sunday even!

i think you should blog however you want, which you seemed to have been doing. hope you come back to it! (oh and glad you liked it!)

nat: it is a full moon AND the ides of march. i think most folks are feeling a bit discombobulated. i'm also expecting my period shortly so...

there's never enough time so do what you love and what those you love need and fuck the rest.

i wish that if people thought that i was talking about them or to them that they would ask. i do not like that someone assume i meant him AND decided to dump me without really seeming to care what i had to say about it. ASK first dammit.

it is ironic though because we had both done that regarding each other's blogs before.

hillside is the best festival ever. seriously :)

i think that's hilarious... she's clearly not an egg afficionado like we are. god i love eggs, especially the free range and organic ones... mmmmm

*hugs* for elle.

3/15/2006 10:15:00 AM  
Blogger Hubris said...

Oh dude, I'm all over that Hillside sihte! BTW, yes your link, she did say that right on point, nicht?

I so want to help you christen your 18th floor balcony... you better fucking have one.

See ya Friday.

3/15/2006 10:25:00 AM  
Blogger stoned.nerd said...

oh sass, we're in the same predicament?

it's his loss, really.

3/15/2006 10:38:00 AM  
Blogger sassinak said...

hubris: you're coming to hillside???? damm that's excellent.

we're doing applications friday night...

i hope i get that baclony too...

nerd: oh we are? i'm sad to hear that. i am at least well on my way to recovery.. how you doing?

aw thanks :)

3/15/2006 11:36:00 AM  
Blogger Hubris said...

we? As in you, Other, and I?

3/15/2006 12:40:00 PM  
Blogger Hubris said...

hell yeah I'm coming. I've got to be all envious of you 2 for 2 years straight now

3/15/2006 12:40:00 PM  
Blogger HuneeB said...

Hi Sass :)


wow 18th floor, not scary?
I have never lived anywhere that has more than two floors, is that weird?

3/15/2006 01:14:00 PM  
Blogger sassinak said...

scorp: the thing with the water balloons from that height is that you can actually HURT people... which is shitty... so i think it but i'm too responsible to actually do it.

hillside is the best festival ever. period :)

i'm looking for another festival for september but i haven't found one yet...

i think you're totally right abuot that one dude... everyone has participated in this discussion for like ever because it's one of the major things people discuss when they drink or get high or have coffee or just hang out or blog... so consequently everyone thinks they're on the hook for some of the advice they didn't like. which is kinda funny. regardless these are all old themes.

and yeah, just having voices in the wilderness rocks.

oh no lonely together and lonely alones are two different types of relationship styles. the people who are lonely in a relationship and stay cause it's better than being alone are 'lonely togethers' because they would rather be lonely together. the people that leave when they're lonely because it's better to be alone than to be with someone and lonely? 'lonely alones' that's all...

no one talks too much in my comments except me :)

land speed records huh? wanna have lunch first?


hubris: yes. and envy me my previous seven... :) yay hubris is coming to hillside!

HuneeB: hiya :)

not scary nope... balcony isn't glass which helps.

i don't think it's weird... my first highrise was when i was 22 or so and i think i've only lived in one. many 2-5 story places though...

3/15/2006 03:52:00 PM  
Blogger john said...

are there enough exclamation points in the world?

Apparently not since I see people using 1's sometimes.

If it makes Harriet feel any better, I don't like drinking out of a dish, either.

I'm totally with you on the egg thing. Fritata, omlette, scrambled, doesn't matter. Give me a side of salsa and I'm set.

You inhaled twice, but I didn't see any exhales... Way to bury those hits! You're my hero, Ironlung :-)

3/15/2006 03:56:00 PM  
Blogger sassinak said...

john: good point, and here i am hogging them all. should i give some back?

harriet likes to drink out of almost anything that isn't her dish. she especially likes to topple things over so she can admire the puddles. whoever said cats don't like water? never met harriet.

mmmmmmmmm poached on toast with peameal bacon underneath... eggs rock. rock. side of salsa not so much, i'm more likely to just throw in a pile of crap and some salsa and call it 'mexican omelette'

well i did actually exhale but it was a bit after the inhale... can i have my trophy anyway?


3/15/2006 04:09:00 PM  
Blogger JMai said...

Fritattas sound like a lot of work and too many dishes to clean.

And you're right, I'm not a big egg person. And although Nat is right and I am a very good cook, there are some things that I just cannot cook for the life of me: 1) rice, and 2) eggs. Don't ask me why; I mess them both up every time.

But no worries, I will come over to Nat's when you and Hubris visit (and MightyDoll, of course) and bring the air mattress, and I will make you something lovely for dinner and in the morning you can make the eggs!

Oooh PS, 18th floor? Rock ON. The higher up the better!

3/15/2006 06:54:00 PM  
Blogger sassinak said...

no way. the usual knife/cutting board for almost anything you have to chop, a bowl to stir the eggs, a pancake lifter and a fork and a lid. i never use the broiler trick cause i don't have a cast iron skillet :( ... anyway it's easy as pie and so good. it's basically a non-flip omelette.

well, i rock at eggs and ALSO suck at rice. and everyone makes fun of me. thank you! i've never yet made rice... (other than minute)

it's harder for md to run off at a moment's notice, she has kids. you have an air mattress and i have an air mattress and that means hubris and maybe md aren't stuck on a couch!

mmmm dinner... and yes i'll make eggs anytime, they're legendary.

i hope i hope for 18

3/15/2006 11:37:00 PM  
Blogger stoned.nerd said...

haha okay we aint.

im doing fine, cheers sass. hadnt been able to comment much here but i'm still reading you like i always do!!

3/16/2006 11:47:00 AM  
Blogger Lance said...

I think that it must be the time of year. I've felt rather uninspired about posting lately as well. Winters almost over. The locals rejoice.

3/16/2006 12:23:00 PM  
Blogger sassinak said...

bambam: i'm really behind on the blogs i read... i tend to be at one all the time for like two days and then on to the next. i just can't keep up...

i've been visiting you and doing your polls but not commenting too much...

you know funny you should say that. cute overload just won 'best new blog' in the bloggies! the BLOGGIES! (i heard this on CBC!!! [canadian national public commercial free radio]

nerd: well i'm sad to hear that. hopefully you'll be in recovery soon.

right back atcha... i drive by your blog and read it and then toss in a wave :)

lsd: could be. it's a hard time of year for most folks because it seems like spring will never come.

but then at the same time i'm feeling content. so maybe i'm too happy to blog *grin*

3/16/2006 06:39:00 PM  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I loved this post! lol. It was absolutely great in every way!

3/20/2006 10:20:00 AM  

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